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April 20, 2009


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Linnyette Richardson-Hall

After 15 years of professional wedding planning, I eliminated the "partial level" of service I had been offering. Indeed, it had gotten to the point where I was simply "done" with it....and it wasn't really doing anything for my true bottom line.

I do not regret that move one bit - by taking that leap of faith, I can now concentrate more on doing what I love and the revenue stream is much better. Plus - it was a great "sanity saver"..that factor is very important to me (and should be to others also!).

Ashley Baber

Thanks, Sean! Working on this....

Jenifer Simpson

Great post!I couldn't agree more. After running in a circle for a whole year trying to make the middle-tier work in my business, I quit. I only offer full service now, and I may get less quantity of work for not offering it, but the quality and creative time I get to spend working is worth it. It is not a very popular concept where I live. I get a lot of people who want to know why I only offer full service design. In the end though, it works out for the best both for me, and my clients.

Tracey Kumer-Moore

It's interesting, but not surprising to hear you say this & the comments above that the middle tier is the one that gets tinkered with the most to try and make it work and fit but it never quite does.

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